Thursday, July 12, 2007

Video Tutorial: What is Web 2.0?

Here is the nice and informative streaming video about "What is Web 2.0?".

Watch Video | Visit BLOGGE

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Streaming Video Over The Network

We all have been downloading and playing back high quality audio and video files from the Internet. Though this process is very easy and you can store the data file for later use, it can be exasperating experience at times because the time taken to download a file can be unusually long. Nowadays, streaming video over the network is gaining popularity as an alternate to downloading. Be it an informational, educational or entertainment program, streaming video is becoming a popular mode of transmitting the data.

As broadband connectivity has grown, websites have increased their use of video clips. The term ‘Streaming video’ refers to the method of one-way transmission of a video in the compressed format through the Internet. Its advantage is that the video is transmitted as a continuous stream, enabling the viewer to play it within a few seconds of requesting it. The data is not saved permanently on the computer and hence does not utilize the precious hard disk space. The viewer would require a player that can uncompress the data and play it through the monitor and the speakers.

Some of the well-known players available in the market are MacroMedia's Streaming Shockwave, Progressive Network's RealVideo, Xing Technology's StreamWorks, VDONet's VDOLive, Vosaic, Vxtreme, Vivoactive and Microsoft's NetShow. Streaming video is normally sent from prerecorded video files. However, it can also be distributed as part of a live broadcast "feed."

In the case of a live broadcast, the video signal is converted into a compressed digital signal and transmitted from a server that has a capability of multicasting i.e. sending the same file to multiple users at the same time. If the streaming video is broadcast live, then it is termed as "real-time video." However, there is a built-in delay in streaming video due to buffering of the feed.

With the advancement in technology, it is nowadays possible to capture streaming video and store it in the hard disk. One can save live streaming video, streaming news video, streaming movies, streaming music videos etc with the help of a software ‘Stream Recorder’. Use of streaming video for videoconferencing is the latest application that is gaining ground. Videoconferencing is more challenging on the network than streaming video. This is because it requires real-time, two-way transmission with enough bandwidth for video coming in and going out at the same time without buffering.

The biggest hurdle that still needs to be overcome is to provide broadband access to all the users. Many users still do not have enough bandwidth to receive streaming video in an acceptable quality.

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Top Video Sharing Services

After you’ve created your videos, you will need to upload them to one or more video sharing services, so the world can see them.

The video sharing services are free and they vary in the size and length of videos you can upload, though most of them have a cap of ten minutes in length and/or a file size of 100 MB.

So here are a bunch of Video Sharing sites for you to consider.
  • AOL Video
  • Bolt
  • ClipShack
  • DailyMotion
  • DivX Stage6
  • Dovetail
  • eyespot
  • FlixHunt
  • Google Video
  • Grouper
  • Jumpcut
  • Metacafe
  • Motionbox
  • MySpace
  • OurMedia
  • Revver
  • Stickam
  • Veoh
  • Viddler
  • VideoEgg
  • Vimeo
  • VMix
  • Yahoo! Video
  • YouTube

There are always new ones being launched, so run a search for “video sharing” or “upload video” in your favorite search engine to see what’s new.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Top 10 Reasons to Create Streaming Videos

1. Videos are fun to create. Expressing your creativity gives you a sense of accomplishment. When you create something, your mind is focused away from your daily stressors. Call it an escape from reality if you will. It is good for you.

2. Videos are easy to create. You don’t need any fancy equipment. They can be as simple as a slideshow of photos with narration or clips from your cell phone or digital camera that you already own. Import your clips or photos into Microsoft’s free Windows Movie Maker and compile them into a video.

3. Create Memories. Photos are great, but videos are more personalized with narration and containing a series of photos opposed to single pictures in one file. You can upload them to video sharing web sites or email them to your friends and family. Sharing videos is a great way to stay in touch and share your life with your loved ones from afar.

4. Get paid for your videos. Submit them to Associated Content for upfront payment, and collect residual payment every time someone views your videos.

5. Online article writers can get paid even more. Based on my own experience, videos often generate higher offers for your content at AC and you can link your articles to your videos for increased page views. Creating videos also gives you a break from writing to have some fun and refresh your creativity.

6. Create a vlog, a blog with videos instead of articles. Set up a blogger account and add a video to each page. You can then place Ad Sense ads around your videos. Your visitors will watch your videos then hopefully click on your Ad Sense ads when they are finished watching, creating an income stream for you.

7. Generate traffic. If you have a web site, blog or Squidoo lens that could use some traffic, videos are the way to go. You can SEO your video title just like you would for your articles and submit them to social bookmarking sites. Increased traffic coming from two different directions gives your site greater exposure.

8. Use your videos as a teaching tool. People love to learn new things. One of the greatest ways to get people to watch your videos is to share something new with them. Teach them how to do something. Give them the pleasure of learning a new way to do something and they will come back for more.

9. Market your business. Do you have your own or an affiliate product to market? Do it in video. Consumers more readily purchase something they can see opposed to just reading about it. Give them a demo of what it does and how it will benefit them. Show your potential buyers examples of how your product can improve their lives and you’ve got a sale.

10. Don’t get left behind. Videos are infiltrating the web at an alarming rate. Our culture demands high-speed information. We are accustomed to visual media. Our younger generations especially, prefer to watch rather than read or skim an article. Bandwidth is becoming less of an issue with increased usage of high-speed internet access. Video is predicted to become the status quo of internet content in the days ahead as the internet continues to evolve. Do yourself a favor and learn how to create videos today.

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Video In A Flash

A recent look at Yahoo!, shows a home page with video links front and center. One of the emerging technologies allowing low cost streaming is Flash FLV. It is a format that is designed for web playback, offering high rates of compression. Flash Player, the embedded plugin that is in 98% of all internet browsers, allows playback of Flash FLV using SWF files. It is a preferred method because there is no need for a 3rd party download. FLV is a "Flash Live Video" file.

Not many people know it, but Macromedia (Adobe) has developed a sophisticated media delivery platform, that is emerging as a sleeping giant.

Flash is the world's most pervasive software platform, used by over 1 million programming professionals and reaching 98% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide as well as a wide range of devices.. You might be shocked to hear that using Flash for your Video Media Delivery can save you a bundle of cash!

The Flash Player browser plugin can play an FLV, but that FLV, must be either embedded in or linked to a SWF. That is, you can't just put the actual FLV on an HTML page. You can however reference the FLV file using action script and SWF (the player controls), which now opens up the door to brand your player, add colors and logos, skins, and links to further information. Customization is now only limited to your imagination and Flash Skills. 4 hour movies can be streamed instantly with no buffer wait or download lag time.

Highlights of the Flash Communications Server include the ability to provide your end users with the best possible experience via a seamlessly integrated client that lets you brand your broadcast the way you want to, with any devices containing the Flash Player being capable of delivering movies when connected to the MX Communications server.

A Fantastic File Format

The file format used in this process is Flash FLV or Flash Live Video, and it plays in a Flash Player. While traditional methods of media delivery include some kind of download to the user's computer, either in a pre-loader or through temporary Internet files, Flash MX Communications server and a Flash FLV Player connect in a completely different manner. Simply put, it's a new connection to the file each time the user uses the controls in the player. This means that in the background it's a "start here" � "stop here" � "start again here" style of play, with no downloads or caching.

Here's The Top Ten Reasons to Stream Video Using Flash

1. FLV format file sizes after conversion are up to 60% smaller, saving server storage costs.
2. FLV's start - stop connection style saves on bandwidth perhaps as much as 60% less per month.
3. FLV format has no local player in operating systems, so file sharing is nullified.
4. FLV format plays directly in more browsers than Windows Media, Real Player or QuickTime.
5. FLV server can authenticate clients, and control users as you wish.
6. FLV players can be completely customized for logos, branding and embedded links.
7. FLV players can play files from a programmable database, and simple administration area.
8. FLV players can be programmed to integrate with databases for free previews, time, users.
9. FLV encoding can include user information for content tracking, misuse, or DRM.
10. Flash Communications servers are easier to maintain than others, and less prone to security hacks.

Who is using Flash Communication Servers? Google, MTV, Yahoo, IBM, Sony, Universal Studios, the list is growing.

Flash is suitable for various applications, including live, on-demand, audio and video streaming, 24 x 7 live radio broadcasting, pay-per-view, with digital rights management, delivery to mobile devices, including phones, product demonstrations, commercials and movie trailers, employee and partner training, corporate communications � the list goes on and on...

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Monday, June 11, 2007

New Face Of Internet - Online Video Streaming

One of the biggest changes in the online space is the prevalence of online video.

It was only a few years ago that just the thought of streaming videos on the Internet seemed a distant reality.

Fast forward to December 2006 and online video is in full swing… Google bought YouTube for US$1.6 billion, and companies like Metacafe pay publishers based on the number of people who watch their video.

Video streaming has become a bit like an on demand micro video channel. Thousands of videos are now on demand online with more and more television content available. You can download video streams of the latest movie trailers and find both entertaining video streams along with knowledge-based electronic seminars.

The clarity of online video may be significantly less than a television set, but what it lacks in clarity it makes up for in availability. Video streams are sent by email, included in blogs and are a key part of most social network sites.

The mythical world of video production has been relegated to Internet hobbyists and the result is a whole new world where on demand consumers are finding video gems worth sharing online.

The use of video streaming is a growing phenomenon with so many different positive applications. Video streaming provides opportunities for individuals to share footage of their families with other family members. Music and entertainment video streams can be shared. Television shows can be downloaded and best all, business can be done effectively through the use of video streaming technology.

Another benefit of video streaming is the strong potential for increased backlinks that can increase the number visitors to your video stream. In turn, those visitors may stick around to check out what you have to offer in your online business.

After USA and UK Online Video sites are also being very much popular like India, Middle East, Singapore Etc...

India is growing in terms of internet traffic and Online Video streaming site is being much popular now a days in India also.

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Is Video Streaming the Future for Corporate Video?

Things have changed quite a bit from when I started in the film & video business in 1988. Back then, many corporate programmes were still shot and edited on film. Video shooting was on "plain Jane", non-SP, analogue Betacam. Video editing was on Low Band U-Matic - a process that required copious notes to be taken and a day or two of writing all the timecode numbers down for the (linear) on-line edit. Mastering was on bulky one-inch reel to reel video, that was so sensitive to magnetic fields, it couldn't be taken on a London tube train. Distribution was either on Low Band U-Matic, Betamax (remember that?), or VHS.

Today, seventeen years later, the much heralded digital age is upon us. You can shoot on DV, edit on Avid, and burn the result onto DVD without a moment's thought or any loss of quality. The only stage of the process that has remained more or less the same is the final one: delivery of the programme to the viewer. Be it by post, Fed-Ex, or motorcycle courier, someone has to take a copy of your finished programme, transport it to where your viewer is going to see it, and then play it on specialised equipment. If your programme has to cross borders into another country, chances are you'll have to have special copies made to conform to that country's TV standard, and the customer will have to pay a hefty customs charge as well.

The Internet provides a solution to this problem and is, in my view, the perfect medium for the distribution of corporate videos, for companies large and small. Broadband/ ADSL Internet access is rapidly becoming the norm. Around 80% of the UK now has the capability to access Broadband (source: The Guardian) and the figure is higher for some other countries. Here are a few examples of ways this technology can be utilised:

Let's say you run a small or medium sized company and have made a promotional video to show to potential clients. You can easily stream this from your website. If you don't want your competition to see your video (and you cannot guarantee a DVD won't fall into the "wrong" hands), you can password protect that part of the website and make access by invitation only. You could also stream a commercial from your website for the whole world to see - not just people in your local TV area. You could even tie it in to your print advertising, so people would want to visit your site and see your commercial. That certainly beats them getting up to go to the bathroom when your commercial is showing on TV, or fast forwarding it if they've videoed the programme its being shown in! There's so much video content of this nature being shown on the web now, Yahoo! has devoted a large area of their search engine to it. Visit Yahoo!, click on the "video" tab and type in "commercial" to see what I mean.

If you run a large company or have staff in more than one place, then video streaming becomes a real boon. In addition to the options available to small businesses, you can use it for corporate communications. You can show the same video to employees in different locations, cities, time zones, or even countries. Apart from converting your video into the correct format (more on that subject later), and having your webmaster upload it to your webspace, the actual costs are practically nothing - and there's definitely nothing for the tax man to get his teeth into! Your video can cross boarders without having to incur customs charges, and standards conversion becomes a thing of the past.

Getting your training message across also becomes much easier. Employees can watch the video from their computer screens. Add some "interactivity" to the mix, and you can build a training session tailored for each employee. If you're on a network, you can do this via your company intranet as well as over the web.

With live streaming, one trainer can train several people at the same time, even if they are in different parts of the world. This is particularly useful for medical training. A surgeon can demonstrate a particular technique from a sterile environment, without the operating theatre having to be filled with students. The entire process can also be recorded on video for viewing later.

There are many formats available for digital video, and careful research is necessary to select the most appropriate one. The most popular formats are:

Macromedia Flash (swf)
Microsoft Video (avi)
Motion Picture Experts Group (mpeg)
Quick Time (mov)
Real Media (rm)
Windows Media (wmv)

Streaming video does not quite compare to what viewers are used to seeing on broadcast TV or DVD. The most obvious difference being the optimum screen size is much smaller. Under ideal conditions, streaming video can be clear and continuous, but the latest technology must be used to create, send and receive the video or the results can be unsatisfactory; however, that said, the sort of picture one would see when seated directly in front of the computer monitor is not dissimilar from that seen on a 14" portable TV viewed from 10 feet or so away.
Because of the smaller screen size, it's best to avoid any complicated graphics or DVE moves in a streamed video, although still frame graphics can always be shown on the website alongside the video.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about streaming video. Some of the most common questions I get asked are:

"Don't I need a special website for streaming video?" No, you don't. Because the files are large, most free sites won't host them, but ordinary sites will. I have over five hours of streaming video on my LearnPhotoshopFast website, and it's just an ordinary one. Some web hosting companies do charge you extra if you have live streaming video on a continuous basis, but this is usually to cover the extra bandwidth.

"Ah, bandwidth. I'll bet it uses a lot. Won't that cost a fortune?" This is sort of true. Video files are large, but they are just binary files. Downloading large files - be they video or software - does use up a lot of bandwidth. However, video streaming formats are especially designed to keep file sizes as small as possible. Bandwidth isn't all that expensive these days anyway, and many web hosting packages come with a monthly allocation of 50 - 100 gigabytes, which is more than adequate for most applications.

"Some people who want to see my videos have Windows PCs, while others have Macs. Won't that be a problem?" No. Most streaming formats are compatible with multiple operating systems, and even specific manufacturer's formats like Microsoft's Windows Media, and Apple's Quick Time, have versions that can be used by "the competition".

"Is streaming video any good on a dial-up connection?" It's true that streaming video works best via Broadband. The best option is to offer the alternative of downloading the video file as well as streaming it; that way, someone on a dial-up can download the file and watch it from his/her hard drive.

Video streaming can add a whole new dimension to your corporate video, be it for training, communications, or marketing. It's just like having your own cable-TV channel - only considerably cheaper.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Google, YouTube and Web 2.0

Google surprised the world by announcing on October 9 it would acquire California-based video website YouTube for a stock-for-stock transaction of US$1.6bn. This amount is the highest Google has paid for a nifty website. But what makes this acquisition unique is that this is the highest price ever paid for a user-generated Web 2.0 content site.

YouTube simply adds to the Tribe of Google which boasts of areas as diverse as blogging, personalized search, satellite imagery, image management and cellular phone technology! The price tag of $1.6 billion has raised several eyebrows, and Google's economic wisdom is being challenged. However, what this deal means to web 2.0(a system of collaboration-based web development) has been widely ignored.

YouTube - a true Web 2.0 Company

YouTube, founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley and others, is in the genre of a true Web 2.0 media website consisting entirely of user-generated content. It ranks fourth in the sector after other US-based firms MySpace, Facebook and Wikipedia.

YouTube has played a major role in creating the new "clip culture". It is estimated to serve about a 100 million video clips every day to about 72 million unique visitors!

Under the new deal, YouTube is expected to retain its separate legal entity, with Google continuing to concentrate on its own Google Video website as a separate operation. But the deal with YouTube will increase its reach into the user-generated media content market. In this market, "there is a clear winner in [the] networking and social networking side of video", Google chief executive Eric Schmidt said. UBS analyst Benjamin Schachter commented: "Large advertisers are looking to spend more money with Google. Video is a major focus, and YouTube increases its inventory."

Where is the money?

What exactly is the business model behind the purchase? The official line from Google is that "YouTube acquisition is part of Google's ongoing mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." However, it is premised that Google plans to leverage its "advertiser relationships" - a reference to its strategy of combining Google Adsense for Video with Google Video.

The basic theme seems to be that YouTube will benefit from Google's ad platform when it comes to monetization. Google search will also "improve the search experience" for YouTube users.

Copyright worries

Copyright concerns are another area which will keep Google and its lawyers really busy. There have been several reports of users viewing illegally copied music videos, films and TV programs via the YouTube network. Critics have even drawn parallels to the now-redundant Napster network, despite having a far better record.

To its credit, YouTube has struck deals with Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Sony BMG Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group, in an effort to reduce copyright lawsuits.

This deal is a great one for YouTube, and hopefully a good strategic move for Google. The web community is anxiously asking the question: who is next? Of course, the Facebook-Yahoo! deal looks more likely to happen now. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Streaming Media Advertising, Streaming Video Advertisements

Streaming media advertising promotion agencies say that this new-age technology enables the real time or on demand distribution of audio, video and multimedia over the Internet and it is the simultaneous transfer of digital media of all three kinds; namely, video, voice and data. The streaming media advertising therefore, is such that it is received as a continuous real-time stream and has a greater impact on the web viewer than any form of static advertising.

From the industry reports from big time players in the streaming media advertising industry, like Dassnagar, India based streaming media advertising company, it is apparent that streamed data is transmitted by a server application and thereafter it is received and displayed in real-time by client applications for the purpose of promotion, marketing or plain information of a company product or service. These online client applications can start displaying video or playing back audio as soon as enough data has been received and stored in the receiving station’s buffer; which in turn enables for greater and faster interactive medium of communication between the web user and the company’s advertisement spokesperson.

At times, this kind of streaming media advertising can be based on Java-streaming for advertisement insertions that will allow for these to be input into all streaming programming. The success of this factor can be judged by the fact that way back in 2000, when streaming media advertising was in its fledgling state, it had only 5 percent of streaming programming that allowed insertions, but towards the end of 2004, this percentage had risen by 70 and generated millions (almost $770 million) in revenue to prop the importance of streaming media advertising. While video production agencies involved in online video advertising and streaming media advertising need to focus beyond the pre-roll segment that compels a web user to view the initial part of an advert before gaining access to the main message, they also need to divert attention towards actualizing the full potential of streaming media advertising. This means that online video production agencies that are keen to gain a stronger threshold in the mainstream streaming media advertising world need to shift core-focus on the target web audiences and thus begin by strategically incorporating the use of streaming programming into their daily media routines.

Among the best examples of the scope and benefits of streaming media advertising and its total reach is the highly-tuned-in-to web cast of Madonna in London, which garnered rave reviews as do the NBA Finals and Olympics reports and related ad capsules; these increase user awareness of the web’s streaming capacity and are evidence of the contact capacity of the Internet.

Any experienced hand at corrective, coercive or informational yet entertaining streaming media advertising will know the effect of a tightly knit and creatively well-managed organization on the success it can spell for its clients. Ensure that streaming media advertising solutions that your agency provides are in tune with your company’s image and message-communication; it should be personalized and customer communication and unmatched knowledge-sharing.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Video Marketing Tips & Techniques

If you have an informational video stream that receives significant hits you could derive an income from selling video ads from third parties at the start of your video stream.

The rate can be based on a set amount per click or a once monthly (or weekly) fee. Some online firms are using this as a means of bolstering income from your website. This can be a creative and lucrative way to capitalize on your video stream.

However, if you want to place a focus on your own marketing efforts you might consider a streaming video advertisement featuring the positive aspects of your online presence. This can be a cross promotional advertisement that can assist in web branding efforts.

You might have to give up any advertising revenue you might have received and there may be production costs in developing a video stream ad, but it could also be a positive addition to your online presence.

Video streaming has become a bit like an on demand micro video channel. Thousands of videos are now on demand online with more and more television content available. You can download video streams of the latest movie trailers and find both entertaining video streams along with knowledge-based electronic seminars.

The clarity of online video may be significantly less than a television set, but what it lacks in clarity it makes up for in availability. Video streams are sent by email, included in blogs and are a key part of most social network sites.

Video streams provide a stark contrast to PPC advertising and don’t require advanced Flash animation. Simply put, video streams can take the homegrown feel of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” and make the same candid possibilities available to online video consumers in surprisingly cost effective ways.

The mythical world of video production has been relegated to Internet hobbyists and the result is a whole new world where on demand consumers are finding video gems worth sharing online.

Another benefit of video streaming is the strong potential for increased backlinks that can increase the number visitors to your video stream. In turn, those visitors may stick around to check out what you have to offer in your online business.

Whether you seek to capitalize on your video stream by looking for an advertiser or use the video stream as a way to improve your web branding objectives through your own video advertisement the use of video streams can be a powerful ally in web marketing.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Streaming Media - What exactly is it anyway?

A brief description of streaming video and how it works.

Streaming media is multimedia such as video (which is probably the most recognizable) that is continuously received by, and normally displayed to, the end-user while it is being delivered by the provider.

In other words, unlike a video that you download first to your hard drive on your computer and THEN open to view on your screen, You can usually start viewing or listening to your content as it is being delivered. (ie it is "streamed" to you from a server on the web). Hence the term "streaming media".

Live streaming media takes this one step further and allows the viewer to see content the moment it is created and is the online equivalent of live via satellite TV transmission.

For a more comprehensive "in depth" look at streaming media visit the links section located after the next article.

I personally have developed an interest in streaming media because of my background in music and more recently in film (and how I could promote what I do on the web in a tangible way, rather than just text).

For me, streaming media has been a brilliant way to share my message in a creative form that gets noticed.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Adding Streaming Video to Your Website

Adding streaming video to your site can be a great way of making it a lot more interesting for users, but it can also be a bit difficult for the beginner to make the right choices. This article will explore some of the things you will have to consider before adding streaming video to your website.

How many users?

Is your site very popular? Is your streaming video going to be viewed by many people at the same time? You need to ask yourself if you need to have your website hosted on a special streaming server. This kind of server can handle a lot more traffic than a normal server. A streaming server also offers the abbility to make live broadcasts (or webcasts), which is virtually impossible on a normal server.

Progressive download

If you don't have the need to make live webcasts you should consider using progressive download instead of actual streaming. Progressive download means that a user will download a bit of the video file before playback is started. This bit of the file will then serve as a buffer that will ensure unbroken playback even if the strain on the server's bandwidth peaks for a while.
It's not real streaming and you can't make live webcasts this way, but most webmasters will find that progressive downloading is adequate for their needs.

What format?

You need to think about what format you want to use. Should it be Windows Media, Quicktime or RealMedia - or maybe something else? What do your users use? You could consider making a poll to find out what format the majority of your users prefer. Some people refuse to use any other player than their favorite, so you should be sure to include as many of your users by your choice of streaming format.

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Monday, January 1, 2007

Benefits Of Video On Your Website

There are many new technologies that are becoming more common practice on websites today, one of them being videos. There are so many benefits to using video on your website that statistics have shown it can triple your opt-in rate, increase conversion by 300%, and increase traffic by viral marketing. If these reasons aren’t enough to consider the benefits of video on your website, then I don’t know what else will.

Many people may be scared of the idea of making their own video, but the process is much simpler than you might think. Most computers already come with the software you need to make a simple video on your site. It is called Windows Movie Maker. This will give you a basic video to start with and play around with until you learn more advanced techniques.

You can use this program, (or others out there), and either upload live video that you have recorded, or if you are more camera shy, you can use free clipart like ones provided by Microsoft or many other locations on the internet. Video can have very powerful effects when added to your site. They give it a personal presence, which is important to any website. When you are known by only a url or name, your picture, signature or a video with your voice adds an element to which people can connect and will increase your opt-in rate, conversion and traffic.

If you add video to your site, I highly suggest you add a tell-a-friend script under it to have your visits get more traffic there for you. These two components used together can give you amazing results.

So here is the process: make your video to introduce your website, introduce yourself, further explain an idea or product you have on your site….. the ideas are endless. Next upload the video onto Google videos, Youtube, or any effective site that will be pertinent to your niche. Next, put it on your homepage, or relevant page with the tell-a-friend script and you’re done! Sit back and watch the powerful effect this will have on your website.

Adding video to your website is a simple and highly effective technique that you need to be taking advantage of so that you can compete with the “big dogs”.

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